The PATRIAS™ Impact Analysis techniques
Founded on classic time study, benchmarking and lean six sigma analysis techniques, the PATRIAS™ Quantified Business Benefits (QBB), Flexibility Agility Resilience (FAR) and Pain Point Reduction (PPR) techniques provide a systematic and replicable approach to anticipating the impact of an intelligent automation systems on your business.
Quantified Business Benefits
Founded on classic Time and Motion Study and Account-Based Costing methods, the PATRIAS™ QBB technique analyses the operational performance data collected in the BPM technique and the product capability data from the PCA technique to anticipate the impact on the time and costs in a supply chain or organisation.
The deliverables include diagrams illustrating time and cost reduction and ranked lists of recommended supply chain stage and central service projects to achieve them.
Flexibility Agility Resilience
Founded on academic studies on the causal relationship between technology capabilities and operational performance, the PATRIAS™ FAR technique analyses the product capability data within the 'As Is' operation from the BPM technique with that of the new product from the PCA technique to anticipate the impact on flexibility, agility and resilience of the supply chain or organisation..
The deliverables include diagrams illustrating the anticipated relative impact and ranked lists of recommended supply chain stage and central service projects.
Pain Point Reduction
Founded on classic Lean Six Sigma and other operational efficiency methods, the PATRIAS™ PPR technique analyses the pain point data collected in the BPM technique and the product capability data captured in the PCA technique to anticipate a potential reduction in pain points across the supply chain or organisation.
The deliverables include diagrams illustrating short and longer-term pain reduction and ranked lists of recommended supply chain stage and central service projects to achieve these benefits.